Not A Member?

We encourage anyone with ANY level of skill or experience who is interested in any aspect of knots and knot tying to join us. We offer a membership in the IGKT-NA for one low price. See the Membership page for more details.

Join Us Now!

Information Regarding The 2025 IGKT-NA AGM Will Be Announced At A Future Date

Upcoming Meetings

Why should you come to a meeting?

It's okay if you're not an IGKT-NA member. If you have an interest in ANY area of knotting or are at ANY skill level, you are more than welcome to come to a meeting! You will meet individuals with a wide range of skills and interests. None of us can tie EVERY knot. (Not all of us can tie some simple ones!) The annual meetings are a chance for people to come together and learn new knots, new skills, new techniques and make some new connections. We would really like to see you there! We'll have a piece of cord there waiting for you.

Rope Yarn Wednesday

Join us for our Monthly Zoom meeting where we discuss a different knotting topic each month.

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Rope Yarn Wednesday Upcoming Meeting Details

Topic: John Trevvett will make a presentation on Star Knots

Update on IGKT-NA activities

Time: January22, 20
24 08:30 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)

As always, everyone is invited to share projects they have completed or are working on.

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 891 1822 5369
Passcode: 864232

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